Family Racial Equity Education

Oppressive behaviors are learned in our homes and environments around us. Developing a critical consciousness about oppression and power, how it operates and is perpetuated in our families, school classrooms, communities, and institutions is responsible cultural and justice literacy. All of our practitioners are grounded in this analysis and praxis.

Inequitable dynamics of power, white dominance, and supremacy are embedded in institutions and communities in which we are a part. This includes schools, churches, athletic teams, neighborhoods, and social networks.

Teaching parents and young people to see and analyze how white supremacy is maintained from generation to generation over 400 years in the USA is critical to raising a new generation of people who can lead liberation and dismantle white supremacy in inclusive ways.  

We support parents, people who work with young people, young adults, and young people to have the confidence and competence to address inequities when they arise in their families, classrooms and neighborhood settings.

Madeline is an Advisor to FORJ (Families Organizing for Racial Justice) in Newton, MA. She intentionally has and is raising a racially conscious white child to be racially literate, which means understanding privilege, the culture of whiteness, and white supremacy and all the pernicious dehumanizing ways racism hurts us all.

Here’s a video of Madeline and her daughter speaking at a Newton, MA Vigil on June 1, 2020.

If you are struggling as a parent to know how to support racial literacy within your family, please reach out. We would love to help.