Inspiration & Innovations

The COVID-19 crisis shines a spotlight on how egregious existing inequities are in our individualistic, capitalist society. For a long time, I have been asking myself, "What does it mean to lead an equitable life, to dedicate my life to the pursuit of racial and economic equity?" Given the global public health pandemic and the economic crisis our species is facing, it is even more pressing now to answer this question and act in all domains of life.

For those of us who have more than enough, what choices can we make to prioritize collaboration, give up more, redistribute resources and make decisions centering the principles of enough: "What is enough?" and equity. I am interested in what you're thinking and doing. Send me your thoughts and what you do to live the principles of equity and enough.

What's inspiring you? Shifting our perspective to inspiration is key during crises and stressful times. Today's inspiration will make you laugh. Watch this 45 second home video response to "sheltering in place". Laughing is a powerful antidote to fear and anxiety.

What's an innovative intervention you have come across lately to pursue equitable outcomes? One way people are addressing inequities is to give money directly to people who need it most, as quickly as possible. The volunteer-led SURJB Emergency Fund is raising and distributing money directly to Boston residents. Sometimes taking a network vs. an institutional approach maximizes impact. Please donate.

A way to deepen connection locally is to join Nextdoor. This social hub organizes neighbors to make requests and offer support. Nextdoor connects us to each other locally and enables us to create collaborative, interdependent neighborhoods.