How We Can Help

The COVID-19 virus doesn't discriminate. The United States is founded on the premise of inequity, so of course black and brown people are more closely affected and are dying at higher rates than white people. How do we continue to have faith in and hope for our species under these conditions?

These newsletters are an attempt to inspire you during this pandemic to:

  • ponder more deeply human evolution and how our species can more sustainably and lovingly live with each other and the environmental ecosystems that support us.

  • intervene in tactical and practical ways supporting those in greatest need of extra care and attention.

  • explore more deeply what you want to learn personally and professionally so you can be an even more inspiring leader others want to follow.

Below are a few organizations worthy of all of our attention:

SURJ (Showing up for Racial Justice) has a Combating Anti-Asian Racism and COVID-19 Toolkit. This toolkit includes information about anti-Asian scapegoating and xenophobia in the USA. There are sections on how to call people in when racial abuse (aka microaggressions) happen, actions you can take to stand up against injustice, training materials for bystanders as well as many other mutual aid and covid related resources. If you're interested in learning more about SURJ and finding your local chapter, click here.

For Boston area residents, the Boston Center for Youth and Families (BCYF) is surveying residents to learn more about the best ways to help during the pandemic. Please fill this out if you're in Boston. It will help BCYF plan and advocate for Boston youth and families. Here is a survey for youth to complete. Pass it to young people you know. They want your input.

The Codman Square Neighborhood Development Corporation has surveyed many residents about their needs. They're responding actively to residents in their community offering everything from grocery store gift cards to advocating for increased resources from state and local government funds to support communities disproportionately hit by this pandemic. Please support them here.

Youth on Board is organizing virtual youth summer jobs in Boston. Please donate here to support summer work for teens. Many families rely on income from their teen's employment, so give generously.

The Louis D. Brown Peace Institute had its 24th Mother's Day Walk for Peace on May 10th virtually for the first time. Their work is needed more than ever. Donate here to help them reach their fundraising goal. This walk draws thousands every year. You don't want to miss supporting them.