What Summer?

Summer is in full swing in New England. Many of us are asking "What summer?". We're inside much more than any other summer season in our life time. In all honesty, some days I am searching with effort to find joy and solace. I visit my garden several times a day. This has become my 2020 summer happy place. The basil, kale, tomatoes, squash, cantaloupes, eggplant, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, strawberries and herbs feel like babies I tend daily to make sure they're staying healthy and growing. Lying on the grass looking up at the sky helps me feel more connected to the wider world beyond the COVID 19 pandemic that permeates daily reality. What are you figuring out as an antidote to the isolation and depression that might be affecting you and so many others around you?

Brianna Boggs and I have just finished our 2nd White Women and Power Paradox 3 session class. We had over 1000 registrants and about 600 participants attend our free webinars. We have led about 70 women in this program so far. Based on this work, we're designing How Well-Intended Whiteness Keeps Harming: Developing and Sustaining Anti-Racist Practices for Newton Public School educators as a part of their 2020 Summer Professional Learning Opportunities Anti-Racism Learning category. If you want to help your company, organization or community deepen its anti-racist and allyship muscles, let's talk.

Summer means Fall is approaching and there's lots of work being planned. Stay tuned for more offerings, but here are a few listed below. We would love to have you join us.

1. We're not supposed to have favorite children, but I do have favorite work projects. One of my favorites is the Racial Equity Senior Leaders Learning Circle housed at Trinity Boston Connects. I co-lead this learning journey with Rebecca Jackson and Brianna Boggs. The three of us are committed to creating a more racially equitable Boston. One way we're strategically moving this vision forward is through this program now starting its 4th year. For the first time due to the pandemic and the program being virtual, we are accepting applications from non-profit leaders outside of Boston. This program is growing in popularity and is endorsed and supported in part by The Boston Foundation. We're committed to having a racially mixed group of non-profit leaders. You can apply with another senior colleague if you want. Please invite other senior leaders in your networks. Details and a registration link are here. Other questions? please ask.

2. Non-Profit Leadership and Community Engagement is a Harvard Extension School graduate level class. Harry Harding and I are excited to turn our hybrid course into a 100% virtual class this semester. If you want to get a professional certificate through HES in non-profit management or organizational behavior, this course is for you. The Course starts September 2, 2020 and is 2 hours a week for 15 Wednesdays.

3. Leadership Coaching Strategies is a professional development course I also teach at Harvard Extension School. It's a popular course and draws professionals from all over the world. The next class will be offered online in four afternoon sessions EDT starting August 31st-September 10th. To learn more, click here.

Keep connecting with your happy place and wear a mask.