Preparing for What's Ahead...


Charles Blow, columnist for the New York Times, writes Our Most Dangerous Weeks Are Ahead. I agree with him on this. How are you preparing for the election results? This is a conversation we have been having with ourselves and our clients for the past couple weeks. This newsletter answers this question on different levels.

Self-Care is Health Care. Affiliate Dr. Rita Anita Linger reminds us of this idea alot. We need this mantra more than ever. Conditioning Leaders work is rooted in trauma and restorative approaches and Rita Anita and Rebecca Jackson are two colleagues who lead this work masterfully. A warm up question that Rebecca often uses in our meeting facilitation or trainings is "How are your PIES: How are you physically, intellectually, emotionally, spiritually?" Have you made a commitment to ensure your PIES are getting nourished consistently in this time of increasing stress?

Community Care. Being in multi-racial groups can be liberating and healing for all as long as harm isn't enacted, yet we know unintended racial abuse (aka microaggressions) is inevitable. For example, it's insensitive when white people express amazement and surprise learning about white supremacist acts in earshot of BIPOC friends and colleagues. Our learning has a disproportionate impact on people of color. Practicing restorative, resilience and trauma-informed processes can ensure multi-racial spaces are a place of belonging for all members. So what can we do to ensure everyone in our organizations are cared for well?

Race based groups bring healing when facilitated well for everyone. For white readers, Brianna Boggs advises us to "phone-a-white-friend". We need white friends to help us learn to be anti-racist and unlearn our racism. In our White Women and the Power Paradox work, we use Susan Silk's Ring Theory to help explain the importance of how to care for those closest to harm. BIPOC need spaces away from the racial stress they navigate every day. If you lead an organization, how are you supporting BIPOC employees to ensure they have spaces for healing? For BIPOC readers, who are you gathering around and what are you doing to ensure you're getting the healing you need? This webpage Race Based Trauma Resources and Support in a Time of Civil Strife, where the model above comes from, has something for everyone depending on what level you want to learn about and intervene on to create healing.

Organizing for our Collective Conscience, Our Nation's Soul and the Spirit of Democracy
This Vox article explores when non-violent civil resistance is needed and what makes it work. In Trump may try to steal the election. Americans may have to take to the streets., Sean Illing interviews Erica Chenoweth, an expert who studies how non-violent civil resistance has worked globally to create more justice. If this interest you, read this article.

Finally you don't want to miss this year's Facing Race: Going Virtual Conference. It's November 10-12th, 2020. It will be an inspiring and nourishing place to be one week after the presidential election.

Keep wearing your mask :) and VOTE if you haven't already!