Thought Leadership Resources to help us Decolonize our Minds

Sharing thought leaders to help us decolonize our minds and organizations: 

  1. Amber Ruffin. I imagine many of you have seen Amanda’s Why We Need a White History Month. She breaks it down in this six-minute video. What's there not to love about her? 

  2. One way to appreciate the fact that Black History and Women’s History are back to back is to remember that we have far more in common than we do different.  I have thought about and worked on the intersection of gender issues and race for over 30 years. This video was shared to me by my friend and colleague Amy Behrens, from FORJ to honor Women’s History month.  It's called Glimpses into the Spirit of Gender Equality. Watch this with your girlfriends, children and the men in your life or as a family. Developing a global perspective helps us all heal. We must have a global perspective if we’re going to create a truly inclusive society where people from all places are welcome and can thrive.

  3. Stephanie Spellers shared this t-shirt on her Facebook page. It says: Racism is so American that when you protest it, people think you're protesting America.’s painful and wildly maddening that there’s such a gulf in our lack of analysis about the truth. And here we are. 

  4. Sarah Jane Glynn at Center for American Progress wrote an article about the unequal division of labor in the United States and how equitable workplaces ultimately benefit working mothers. She writes about employment, the economy, work and family issues.

  5. Lupe Poblano, Project Director at CompassPoint, wrote Letter to My POC Sisters and Brothers. This article helps us see how sexism, patriarchy, white supremacy and racism weave together to create toxic work environments not only for BIPOC, but for all of us.