Rage, Anger, Grief and Exhaustion

White Women and the Power Paradox (WWPP) webinar and 3 part class is resonating these days. We've had almost 900 women register for the free webinars and we've kicked off our first 3 session class today with about 45 women.

White Americans are waking up to the rage, anger, grief and exhaustion our black and brown sisters and brothers have been expressing for the past 401 years in the USA. Educating white people is grossly inadequate and critically necessary. In my work with Brianna Boggs, we support white people to show up, speak up and act up with a more informed historical/social/economic analysis and with even more vigilance about how to act in solidarity to the Black Lives Matter movement and all the organizing the BLM leaders have inspired.

When did WWPP work start?
I have been leading women in my life and career for decades. Whether it was leading my Re-Evaluation Women's Co-Counseling Support Group in my 20s or when Interaction Associates started its Women in Leadership offerings about a decade ago I was there. When I started my coaching practice in 2003, supporting women in their leadership was an obvious niche for me. Supporting women to negotiate job transitions, salary negotiations and the glass ceiling are all conversations near and dear to my heart.

At Conditioning Leaders, my Boston-based colleagues and I are committed to making Boston a more racially just and equitable city. Creating a more racially equitable non-profit sector is a key strategy in this mission. In 2019, Brianna Boggs and I were co-leading the 3rd Racial Equity Leaders Learning Circle program with Rebecca Jackson and Simone John of Trinity Connects. This was the first year we had an all white cohort of non-profit leaders. Brianna and I knew we needed to go deeper with these leaders and deeper with white women in particular, so here we are creating a place for white women to do our work. Join us as we explore together and co-create the White Women and the Power Paradox community.