Women & Money
to May 29

Women & Money

In this six-session class, Madeline teaches from her own experience earning money over a 31 year career as a solo-preneur. This class is rooted in Madeline’s understanding of the ways in which money is inextricably linked to local and global inequities.  Madeline desires to see women thrive economically amidst the increasingly extreme economic disparities of this century. This is not the time for women to sit on the sidelines as a few men get richer and more and more women live paycheck to paycheck.

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to Jun 23


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Transform the systemic racial inequities in the mission-driven organizations we love so that everyone feels welcome, cared for, and experiences a deep sense. Supported by Trinity Boston Connects.

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White Women and the Power Paradox - 4 Part Series
to Jul 15

White Women and the Power Paradox - 4 Part Series

  • Google Calendar ICS

by Madeline McNeely & Brianna Boggs


For tickets, click here


Our intention is to build your racial equity muscles, kick white fragility to the curb and back people of color in our lives.

Join us for this four-week class. We will reflect on the results of our own personal racial equity audit, explore more deeply the complexities of supervising and mentoring across differences and unpack the real reality of our resources. Our intentions are to build your racial equity muscles, kick white fragility to the curb, and back people of color in our lives so we can dismantle white supremacy in our spheres of influence, both personal, professional, and as civic leaders. To register, click on Eventbrite link. We will send you details on how to participate via Zoom within one week before the class starts.

This 4-part series will take place on the following Thursdays:

June 24, 2021 Noon-1:30pm ET

July 1, 2021 Noon-1:30pm ET

July 8, 2021 Noon-1:30pm ET

July 15, 2021 Noon-1:30pm ET

To learn more about the course, go to briannaboggs.com or Conditioning Leaders

Scholarships available. Email office@conditioningleaders.com for details.

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to Aug 26

Stamped: Racism, Anti-Racism, and You: A Remix... Book Club

The Stamped book club came about after parents and kids from Newton to as far as Miami said that they want a place to discuss race issues and the climate of white supremacy in this country.  Madeline McNeely and Kate Carpenter Bernier got together to make this happen. Kate asked Akim Jocelyn, a rising senior at Newton South High School, to serve as our lead facilitator with a handful of other teens as small group facilitators depending on the # of registrations.

What can you expect?

  • Every Wednesday in August from 5-6:30 pm for 4 weeks we'll come together on Zoom first as a whole group and then break into small groups to discuss issues in the book.

  • There will be a list of discussion questions relevant to the reading for that week.  

  • The facilitators will encourage all voices and all questions and thoughts to be heard.  To make sure the youth facilitators are supported well, a skilled parent facilitator will join the small groups to listen and offer help if it’s needed.

What do participants need to do before every session?

Read the part of the book we'll be discussing each week. There are about 235 pages, so each session will probably review about 60 pages.  You can also listen to Jason Reynolds reading the book, which is cool -- you'll probably just also want to have a hard copy to look at when people are referring to certain pages each week.

What are we going to do with the money raised from registrations?

We are paying the teen facilitators. We will distribute the income from this book club directly to them minus the Paypal fees. No money is going to support Conditioning Leaders -- we're just providing the registration and payment platforms. Questions, please email Kate Carpenter Bernier. Please register ASAP via this PayPal link so we can determine how many other teen facilitators to employ for this summer work opportunity. It’s a sliding scale, we welcome whatever you’re willing to contribute. Once you pay, you will receive a zoom registration link a few days prior to our first session.

BOOK CLUB IS FULL. Please email Kate if you would like to be put on a list for the next time we run this book club.

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Sliding Scale Options
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4:00 PM16:00

White Women and the Power Paradox July Class

Join us for this three week class. We will reflect on the results of our own personal racial equity audit, explore more deeply the complexities of supervising and mentoring across differences and unpack the real reality of our resources. Our intentions are to build your racial equity muscles, kick white fragility to the curb and back people of color in our lives so we can dismantle white supremacy in our spheres of influence, both personal, professional and as civic leaders. To register, pay below. We will send you details for how to participate via zoom within one week before the class starts.

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12:00 PM12:00

White Women and the Power Paradox

Join us for this three week class. We will reflect on the results of our own personal racial equity audit, explore more deeply the complexities of supervising and mentoring across differences and unpack the real reality of our resources. Our intentions are to build your racial equity muscles, kick white fragility to the curb and back people of color in our lives so we can dismantle white supremacy in our spheres of influence, both personal, professional and as civic leaders. To register, pay below. We will send you details for how to participate via zoom within one week before the class starts.

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12:00 PM12:00

White Women and the Power Paradox FULL: REGISTER FOR JUNE SESSION BELOW

Do you want to speak up about racism, but you’re scared you’ll get it wrong? In what ways does our silence maintain the status quo? In this webinar for white women leaders, we will talk about racism in the workplace, unpack how internalized sexism undermines our impact, and develop an accountability plan to dismantle the power paradox. For a deep dive with other white women about our relationship to power, join Brianna and Madeline for the June 3rd session. Register here.

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Leadership Coaching Strategies
to Nov 5

Leadership Coaching Strategies

This two-day program is tailored to leaders and managers with an internal team of direct reports. It provides insight into the latest techniques and fundamentals of coaching to help you become a mentor who can drive your team and colleagues to succeed.

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