Belonging, Equity, Inclusion & Diversity (BEID)

Organizations profoundly shape individuals and communities. Organizations are the institutional structures in which people gather. We are a social species and belonging to networks, groups and organizations gives meaning to our lives. 

Fostering a feeling and culture of belonging is paramount in our approach. We know how to support people to create inclusive spaces.  When supporting people to talk about racism and all 21st century social and environmental topics, we ground ourselves in dignity and love. We ground ourselves in curiosity, rigorous analysis and collaboration. 

Creating equitable and inclusive spaces is possible when the following culture change elements are present:

  • Organizational Culture Assessment

  • Shared Foundational Analysis

  • Education and Training

  • Implementation

We guide leaders, organizations and networks to develop the above processes so you produce the outcomes you say are most meaningful. 

We meet you where you are now. We support you to get from where you are to where you want to be.