Highlights from "We’re Living in the Era of the Unthinkable" Part II
Photo by Womanizer Toys on Unsplash
In the first half of this two-part blog post, I highlighted 5 points from Carolyn Myss’s video titled We’re Living in the Era of the Unthinkable. She identifies existential conflicts humans need to resolve if we’re going to survive as a species. I turned some of Carolyn’s points from the first blog into questions for us to contemplate. I hope the questions inspire us to act in more holistic ways.
If the human community does not have the psychic or spiritual resources to absorb all the wounds that we inflict, what will it take to stop inflicting wounds?
If you can’t kill an ideology and you can only kill people who believe an ideology, is killing ever the answer?
If every country was started by war, what does this mean for patriotism and how we think about sovereignty?
If our anger doesn’t ever warrant us to reorganize the lives of people around us when we express anger in violent ways, how do we express our anger in ways that, when released, produces healing?
Here’s more of Carolyn’s sage holistic advice:
1. We must shift our language. We must expel words like my, blame, entitled, deserve. She says we must stop asking, what is the purpose of MY life? Instead, Carolyn says we must ask,
What is the purpose of life?
What is my capacity as a human being to make a difference in this world?
What does it mean to serve life?
These are the questions I want our world leaders to contemplate and answer as they negotiate with each other.
2. She also tells us that the job of consciousness is to go beyond the package we were born into and include history in our consciousness.
3. She asks, "how do we become conscious of the explosion of pain that is happening around us? Then she recommends the following points:
Pay attention to our bio-spiritual ecology. Our body operates on laws of holism. They govern our health. Each human is a micro-earth. The earth sustains itself from the laws of holism.
We are in the age of holism and thinking in fractions with fractured emotions is why we keep creating violence. It’s no wonder we are an increasingly fractured species.
Finally, she says we must start thinking the unthinkable. An example of thinking the unthinkable is that we shape human history one decision at a time. Pray we can become a species where we all think the unthinkable, where we can find resolutions to problems that yesterday we thought we were unthinkable.
In solidarity,